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Scleral Lenses for Keratoconus: How Do They Work?

A close-up image of a woman with a scleral contact lens on the tip of her finger.

Keratoconus, an eye condition that affects the shape of your cornea, is a progressive problem. This condition is well-recognized for causing blurry vision, distortion, and more. Fortunately, treatment can easily be found with the help of an experienced optometrist.

One popular answer to keratoconus is scleral lenses. These specialty contact lenses arch over the cornea while resting on the whites of your eyes, counteracting the distortion caused by keratoconus effectively and comfortably. They’re an extremely effective way to deal with eye conditions like keratoconus, dry eye, astigmatism, and more.

What Is Keratoconus?

Your cornea—the clear, dome-shaped tissue at the front of your eye—is a key part of your visual system. It refracts light and focuses it toward your retina so you can see clearly. Your visual system relies heavily on the cornea being shaped correctly.

However, keratoconus causes the cornea to thin, and then bulge into a cone-like shape. This alters light as it enters your eye, distorting the images sent to your brain. The exact cause of this condition isn’t fully understood, but it’s believed to be a combination of genetic, lifestyle, and environmental factors.

The Signs of Keratoconus

Keratoconus often progresses slowly without showcasing obvious signs. This can be a serious problem. If you aren’t aware of the condition, it can be difficult to treat. Try to watch out for:

  • Gradual blurrier or distorted vision
  • Increased sensitivity to light and glare
  • Frequent changes in eyeglass prescriptions
  • Difficulty driving at night
  • Eye strain and headaches

If these sound familiar, visit your optometrist for a comprehensive eye exam. An early diagnosis is key to treating keratoconus. Your optometrist can give you a personalized approach to effectively manage your condition.

How to Treat Keratoconus

With keratoconus, one of the most effective treatments is through contact lenses. Your eyes are unique, and they require a customized approach. This is why specialty lenses are often recommended. They correct the refractive errors caused by the irregular shape of your cornea and restore your clear vision.

For mild cases of keratoconus, soft contact lenses may be able to effectively manage your condition. You can also use rigid gas-permeable lenses if you prefer a longer-lasting answer. However, as keratoconus progresses, these options often become less effective, and a more personal approach is required. In some extreme cases, a corneal transplant may be needed, though it’s important to note that this is rare.

Fortunately, this treatment might be easier to acquire than you think—such as by simply using scleral contact lenses.

Scleral Lenses: How They Help

Scleral lenses are a specialty solution for all kinds of eye conditions. Rather than resting on the cornea itself, these larger-than-usual lenses rest on the whites of your eyes. They arch over the cornea without making contact, leaving a small space between the lens and the cornea.

The space between the lens and the cornea is filled with a saline solution and your tears, providing a cushion that enhances comfort and improves vision. For those living with keratoconus, scleral lenses offer an excellent way to address an irregular cornea. Conditions like keratoconus, dry eye, and even astigmatism can easily be corrected with scleral lenses. 

However, it’s important to remember—contact lenses aren’t universal, and you need a personalized answer to your vision troubles.

A senior woman smiling during a contact lens fitting and exam while being checked for keratoconus.

Eaglet Eye ESP Technology for Scleral Lenses

Every person’s eyes are unique, so finding the right fit is crucial. And in today’s digital world, technology is advancing constantly, making the right contact lens more accessible than ever.

At Daniel Island Eye Care, we use something called the “Eaglet Eye ESP” to fully map out the surface of your eye. The Eaglet Eye ESP, or Eye Surface Profiler, lets us use more than 350,000 data points from the surface of your eye to gain an accurate, in-depth understanding of the shape of your cornea. This makes the fitting process much shorter, as we have enough information to find you an accurate answer to your keratoconus.

This AI-assisted technology takes a modern approach to traditional eye care. It’s an advanced way to make sure you’re truly getting the right fit for your contact lens. Once the scan is complete, the information provided lets us get you the right contact lenses for your keratoconus. There’s no need to suffer your vision problems—not when we can help with Eaglet Eye ESP technology.

Are Scleral Lenses Right for You?

If you think you may be dealing with keratoconus, don’t leave the issue unaddressed. Instead, be proactive, and come visit our team at Daniel Island Eye Care. With the Eaglet Eye ESP, we can find you the right answer to your unique visual needs. 

Don’t deal with blurry vision alone. Our team can help you enjoy clear, comfortable vision. Book an appointment with us today!

Get Relief from Dry Eye

Living with dry, irritated eyes can make even simple tasks uncomfortable. Our dedicated team of optometrists offers tailored solutions to help you find relief from dry eye. During your eye exam, we use diagnostics to uncover the cause of your dry eye symptoms and provide treatments like prescription drops, heat therapy, or lifestyle recommendations. Trust us to deliver the care you need for refreshed, hydrated vision.

Your Partner in Managing Keratoconus

Keratoconus can make daily life challenging, but with the right care, we can help you manage it. At Daniel Island Eye Care, our optometrists specialize in diagnosing and managing this condition with solutions like scleral lenses and diagnostics like corneal topography. 

These customized treatments can improve vision and protect long-term eye health. Book your eye exam today for the first step toward clearer vision and better eye health.

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