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Category: Dry Eye

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How To Unclog Meibomian Glands?

A person pulling down their right eyelid with their finger to show their inflamed meibomian glands

Clogged meibomian glands can occur for a number of reasons, resulting in dry, irritated eyes. When your eyes can’t produce enough adequate tears, your eyes can feel incredibly uncomfortable.  Your meibomian glands are responsible for producing a special oil that prevents your eyes from dehydrating too quickly. When these glands are affected, your eyes are […]

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Are Daily Contacts Better for Dry Eyes?

Packs of daily disposable contact lenses.

Dry eyes can be an uncomfortable and sometimes painful condition. It may surprise you that contact lenses can sometimes exacerbate this issue. However, newer technologies have emerged in the contact lens industry that can help to alleviate discomfort and dryness and correct vision at the same time. One such technology is daily contacts. Contact lenses […]

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