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Category: Eye Health

A woman sitting in a dark room squints due to eye strain from looking at her phone screen too long.

What is Digital Eye Strain?

We use digital devices for many activities, from reading emails to watching movies. But working, studying, gaming, or shopping with screens for too long can cause digital eye strain. Digital eye strain is a condition that can cause a cluster of symptoms related to prolonged exposure to digital screens, including eye fatigue, dry eyes, and…
A young woman sitting in front of her laptop computer is massaging her eyes to relieve the blurriness of her sight due to dry eyes

Can Dry Eyes Cause Blurry Vision?

Dry eyes can be a frustrating and uncomfortable experience that affects over 16 million Americans. While it’s more common in people over 50, people of any age can get that scratchy feeling. Fortunately, there are modern, effective solutions to dry eyes. If you’re simply dealing with the symptoms, it may be hard to know if…
An optometrist holding a sign that says "dry eyes"

Is Dry Eye an Autoimmune Disease?

An autoimmune disease is when the body's immune system mistakenly attacks its healthy cells. While the development of dry eye disease is not fully understood, there is recognition that inflammation plays a role.  The question then is whether or not dry eye syndrome is an autoimmune disease or if it's a symptom of autoimmune diseases.…
A young woman sitting on a chair in front of a laptop, feeling sleepy while touching her left face, and her left eye and yawning. A lack of sleep could lead to problems such as dry eye because the eyes do not get adequate time to rest and restore themselves

Can Lack of Sleep Cause Dry Eyes?

It's no mystery that proper sleep is vital for many aspects of our health. A lack of sleep could lead to problems such as dry eye because the eyes do not get adequate time to rest and restore themselves. This lack of rejuvenation can lead to a lack of tear production or poor-quality tears. If…
A woman's red eye compared to a healthy, clear eye

What is Ocular Rosacea?

Are your eyes red and itchy? Do you notice red lines or spots in the white part of your eyes? Is your vision blurred? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may be experiencing ocular rosacea.  You may have heard of rosacea, a skin disease that causes redness and bumps on your…
A woman outside rubbing her eyes as she suffers from itchy, dry eyes

Why Are My Eyes Dry & Itchy?

When it comes to eye care, your comfort is vital. The appearance of dry and itchy eyes can shake that comfort and be stressful to deal with. Bringing up any issues with your optometrist is essential to alleviate eye care concerns as soon as possible. But why do you have dry and itchy eyes? Let’s…

Get Relief from Dry Eye

Living with dry, irritated eyes can make even simple tasks uncomfortable. Our dedicated team of optometrists offers tailored solutions to help you find relief from dry eye. During your eye exam, we use diagnostics to uncover the cause of your dry eye symptoms and provide treatments like prescription drops, heat therapy, or lifestyle recommendations. Trust us to deliver the care you need for refreshed, hydrated vision.

Your Partner in Managing Keratoconus

Keratoconus can make daily life challenging, but with the right care, we can help you manage it. At Daniel Island Eye Care, our optometrists specialize in diagnosing and managing this condition with solutions like scleral lenses and diagnostics like corneal topography. 

These customized treatments can improve vision and protect long-term eye health. Book your eye exam today for the first step toward clearer vision and better eye health.

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  • Daniel Island, SC 29492

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