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Category: Eye Health

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What is Commonly Misdiagnosed as Pink Eye?

Close up of woman's blood shot eye, pink eye.

When your eyes are red, itchy, or irritated, it’s easy to assume you have pink eye (conjunctivitis). However, not all eye conditions with these symptoms are conjunctivitis. The most common conditions misdiagnosed as pink eye include allergic conjunctivitis, dry eye syndrome, blepharitis, iritis, and corneal ulcers. At Daniel Island Eye Care, our comprehensive eye exams […]

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How to Reduce Eye Strain from Computers

A young woman sits in her home office working on a laptop. She holds her glasses and massages her nose to reduce eye strain.

In today’s digital age, spending long hours in front of a computer is often unavoidable. Whether for work, school, or leisure, our eyes are constantly fixated on screens. This prolonged exposure can lead to digital eye strain, which affects many and causes discomfort, such as headaches, blurred vision, and dry eyes.  Understanding digital eye strain […]

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What are Scleral Lenses?

Close up of a woman holding a scleral lens on one finger, gently placing it on her brown eye

Contact lenses can be challenging to wear for people with irregular cornea shape, severe dryness, and some eye diseases. Many people turn to scleral lenses as a solution, as they are bigger than regular contact lenses, resting on the whites of your eyes and allowing them to be used for extended periods. They’re gas-permeable, allowing […]

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How Often Should I Have an Eye Exam?

child sitting on her mother's lap in the exam chair is having her eyes examined by the optometrist

Understanding when to schedule an eye exam is important for maintaining healthy vision and catching potential health and ocular conditions issues early. There are different eye exams to address different concerns.
The frequency of eye exams for children, adults, and seniors varies depending on age, underlying health conditions, and risk factors for eye diseases. […]

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