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Category: Eye Diseases

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Stages of Keratoconus

We see a closeup of an eye with keratoconus. The cornea has a distinct cone-shape.

Keratoconus is an eye condition where the cornea becomes thinner and is pushed into a cone-shape, rather than the dome shape that it’s supposed to have. Left untreated, keratoconus can cause blurry vision, light sensitivity, and permanent cornea damage.  Keratoconus is a progressive disease, meaning the symptoms start small but gradually worsen with time. There […]

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Scleral Lenses for Keratoconus: How Do They Work?

A close-up image of a woman with a scleral contact lens on the tip of her finger.

Keratoconus, an eye condition that affects the shape of your cornea, is a progressive problem. This condition is well-recognized for causing blurry vision, distortion, and more. Fortunately, treatment can easily be found with the help of an experienced optometrist. One popular answer to keratoconus is scleral lenses. These specialty contact lenses arch over the cornea […]

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