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Category: Contact Lenses

A pair of contact lenses on a reflective surface. The left lens is new and in good condition, while the right lens is expired and degraded

Do Contact Lenses Expire?

If you wear contact lenses, you may have wondered if they expire. If so, you’re not alone. Many people who use contacts for clear vision have asked themselves this same question. But, due to an overload of conflicting information, it can be challenging to get a straightforward answer.  Yes, your contacts have an expiration date.…
A person holds a contact lens on their index finger.

What are the Best Contact Lenses?

When it comes to finding the perfect contact lenses, there is seemingly an endless selection. From daily disposables to extended wear, the choices can be overwhelming.  Your optometrist can help you find the right contact lenses by taking precise eye measurements, considering the type of vision correction you need and your lifestyle. Measurements for Contact…

Get Relief from Dry Eye

Living with dry, irritated eyes can make even simple tasks uncomfortable. Our dedicated team of optometrists offers tailored solutions to help you find relief from dry eye. During your eye exam, we use diagnostics to uncover the cause of your dry eye symptoms and provide treatments like prescription drops, heat therapy, or lifestyle recommendations. Trust us to deliver the care you need for refreshed, hydrated vision.

Your Partner in Managing Keratoconus

Keratoconus can make daily life challenging, but with the right care, we can help you manage it. At Daniel Island Eye Care, our optometrists specialize in diagnosing and managing this condition with solutions like scleral lenses and diagnostics like corneal topography. 

These customized treatments can improve vision and protect long-term eye health. Book your eye exam today for the first step toward clearer vision and better eye health.

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  • 297 Seven Farms Drive, Suite 101
  • Daniel Island, SC 29492

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